Saturday, March 8, 2008

First Post

I've seen so many lovely Blogger blogs that I've finally been converted and decided to migrate my original blog over here.

"So what do you blog about?" my daughter Shelli asks dubiously. It's a good question, so I'll address that. I blog mainly on things that occur in daily life. I write about my garden, which is largely year-round here in lovely zone 8b Buda, TX. I write about my daughter and my family and their adventures, and about my own adventures as a returning adult college student -- and hopefully by next year graduate student. I write about my knitting and other needlework on occasion. I also write about my cats and the birds outside my windows and the wildflowers that come and go with the seasons.

I sometimes write about spiritual or religious subjects, but not often. There are so many other pagan blog authors who write so much more articulately and elegantly on the subject than I ever will, that I only write about religion once in a blue moon, when I have something to say. I also rarely write about politics or news events. It sometimes takes me a while to decide where I stand on issues -- there are so many different ways to look at things -- that by the time I've settled on something it's generally old news. Again, there are others much quicker and better suited to write on these subjects, so I typically leave them alone.

Well, that's about it for this post. I've got a three-day weekend ahead of me, so there are bushes to pull out and dishes to wash and a kitchen to finish painting -- er, well, we'll see about that last one.

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