Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Regal Lily

“If only one lily is to be grown, it may well be this.”
George Slate, Lilies for American Gardens.

The Regal Lily is a species lily, Lilium regale, that was introduced into the gardens of Europe, and then America, around the turn of the 20th century. It is the parent lily for many of the trumpet lily hybrids that currently grace our gardens. They are early summer bloomers, and are hardy from zones 8b through 4 in the US. The stalks carry from five to ten blossoms per head. The scent is reported to be heavenly, and I can't wait to find out.

Last night, I found several flower heads forming on my Regal Lilies, ordered from Old House Gardens (that's also where I first saw the above quote.) They were leaning over, so I used some of the ever-present bamboo to stake them up - that's wild Queen Anne's Lace growing behind them (I know, I know, but I like the stuff.) I'm looking forward to seeing these lovely ladies in action.

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