But now I'm back. The Fall semester is nearly over, just a couple of papers to write and a final exam to take and I'll be free for the holidays... sigh... I'm not so sure my GPA will survive the semester, but I have. Sometimes I wonder why I'm doing this to myself at all, especially when I look in my study and see all those balls of yarn and the shelves to finish putting up and the sewing machine I haven't even broken in yet. I guess I'm just a little down about it all at the moment.
My company has been tied up in temporary lay-offs for the last month or so. I'm only now being affected with the three-day work week that we're all on at the moment. At the end of December, the permanent lay-offs begin. We'll have to see where I am at the end of the month.
With everything that's going on right now, I'm afraid the garden's gone by the wayside for the time being. I haven't had a chance to do more than mow and now that it's getting cold the grass will be going dormant. Maybe I'll get out and do something next weekend once the school work is behind me.
I did get a chance to watch a mockingbird enjoying my chile piquins earlier in the week. They grow up through the front steps every year and keep the birds happy all winter.
On top of everything, I really need to start working on my grad school apps again... sigh...
Why am I doing this again?